Thank God I'm an XProdigal!
You can be an XProdigal too!

Does life seem overwhelming?

Can't cope with its challenges?

Maybe its thrown you a curve...

This is one woman's story about her life that may very well change yours!

If you are hurting like so many people in this world...
This is one page you will not regret visiting!


Indeed like Jacob, I wrestled with the Lord,
and like Jacob thank God He gave me a new name!


You can be an XProdigal too!
Here are some great links you shouldn't miss out on!
please feel free to drop me a line,a suggestion etc...

My name is Ginger Pierce and this is my testimony...

I know all too well about the pain of divorce I was a 16 year old girl who was looking for love and thought I had found it.
I married the wrong man for all the right reasons
and four years later my marriage lay in ruins.

I turned away and ran from the Lord and because I got into some bad situations and with the wrong people I was raped more than once in 1998.

That only led to more pain and heartache and thus more bitterness I fell right into the trap of homosexuality.
I was in and out of relationships seeking true love and happiness and in the end all I ended up with was a very empty life and broken dreams.I was a drug addict and an alcoholic and I thought my life was pretty much over.

But then one day just like the man who was lame 38 years at the pool of Bethesda and couldn't get in to receive his healing... Jesus came to me in my mess and affliction and said..."Will Thou Be Made whole?"
I figured if He could still love someone who had done the things I had done,how could I refuse Him?!
Just like the prodigal son that "came to himself",I did as well and knew home is where I needed to go if only to be his hired servant so to speak.
Much to my amazement He welcomed me with open arms and forgave me completely!
He has changed my whole existance,He has taken a life that was void and without form and is recreating something very beautiful in its place.

The purpose of this webpage is to announce to the world that
God is exactly who He says He is and that Jesus is very loving and gracious and He can change anyone regardless of whatever sins or mistakes you may have commited.
It's true in this world there really is no such thing as unconditional love,but truly..."With God all things are possible."


Currently I am a singer/songwriter and I am in the process of completing an album that I will soon be recording.
I cannot read a single note but no doubt the power of God is wonderful in that He gives me the ability to play melodies that I never could without Him.

I could care less about the fame and fortune of it all.
Ministry is what it's all about...Winning the lost at any cost!

A woman mountain biking; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Jesus loves you so much that He chose to die for you than to live without you!

He is a God all about starting over again!
There is no need to fear rejection...
"Whosoever cometh unto me I shall in no wise cast out."


a few favorite quotes...

"Lord,today may the only person I strive to be better than
is who I was yesterday."

"May the mountain that stands before me today become the dust under my feet tomorrow."

"Trials are but for a season but the character they produce in me lasts forever."

"What we are is God's gift to us,but what we become is our gift to God."

Some of my favorite Christian artists are...

Crystal Lewis,Sierra,Avalon,Petra,Gaither vocal band,T-Bone,
Carman,The Martins,Phillips Craig and Dean,and many more

John 3:16 "For God so loved (_____)<your name here
that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever<(you're a whosoever) believeth in Him,should not perish but have everlasting life."
